10 Morning Routines to Help You Start Afresh

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Once you’ve understood what a Motivation Engine is, you should start building habits that keep you motivated.

If you’re prone to start off your day in a gloomy and stressed state, then you’ll be sure to benefit from the suggestions below:

“1. Rise on schedule. Rising on schedule (or even ahead of time) is essential to beginning your day optimistically. It will provide you with room and time to finish your morning habits. And you won’t have to stress about hurrying around your home.”

a better day

“2. Let in the sunlight. Opening your bedroom curtains is one of the first things you should do when you get up.

This is my daily routine, and I’ve discovered that it’s a great way to slowly wake up from my sleep.

I usually pull back the curtains and then sit on the edge of the bed for a while. This lets me appreciate the morning light shining through my window.”

hoping for better

“3. Tidy up your bed. Think back to your student days. You probably didn’t care about making your bed when you were getting out of it in the morning.

This habit may be fine for students, but if you want to boost your motivation and productivity – you should certainly tidy up your bed.

It only takes a few seconds, and you’ll enjoy a neat room, and a sense of accomplishment.”

a beautiful morning images

“4. Indulge in a rejuvenating shower. I’m always surprised when people say that they couldn’t fit a shower into their morning.

That sounds not only unsanitary, but also indicative of these people’s lack of a regular morning routine.

A shower barely takes 10 minutes or so, and it’s an excellent way to cleanse your body, and the ideal way to start your day.”


5. Enjoy a morning stroll in the sun. Having a dog can make this activity effortless for you.

But even without a canine companion, you can still benefit from walking outdoors every morning.

If you live near a park, you can explore its beauty before heading to work. Nothing beats the refreshing mix of nature and movement.”


6. Review your to-do list. To-do lists are common among organized people. They help them remember what they have to do at home, work and elsewhere.

You can use a paper or an app for your to-do list. The morning is a great time to look at your to-do list and decide what to do first.

You might also be able to cross out some tasks that you finished the day before.


7.Play some cheerful music. Music can influence your mood greatly. If you usually struggle in the morning, then you can improve your physical and mental well-being by playing cheerful music.

I won’t recommend any particular artists, but just try to pick music that makes you feel joyful and energetic. You can listen to this music while you shower, when you’re in your kitchen, or maybe when you’re traveling to work.


8. Do a quick exercise. If you have a home gym, then use it for a few minutes every morning. This will make you alert and boost your mental health.

  1. If you don’t have a home gym, you can still do a quick exercise. For instance, try doing repetitions of push-ups and sit-ups.
  1. 9.Meditate for 5 minutes. Many successful people meditate every morning. This helps them stay calm and confident, before starting their work day.

Have you ever tried meditation? There are various ways to meditate, but the easiest way is to just close your eyes… breathe deeply… and relax your mind.

And like most skills in life, the more you practice meditation, the more natural it will feel for you.

  1. 10/ Stretch your body. You might have a sore neck or a backache when you wake up.

From what I know, sleeping for a long time can make your body stiff and tight.

But I’ve found that stretching for a few minutes can ease the pain, straighten your posture and boost your energy levels.

morning motivational

I am Nouman Riaz, a professional speaker and I love motivating people and inspiring them to pursue their dreams. Sharing quotes, proverbs, and sayings of great authors to touch people's lives to make it better.

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